Developmental Evaluation Scale for Children

ABMS-C (Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children)

Miyamura K, Hashimoto K, Honda M. Validity and reliability of Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children (ABMS-C) in disabled pediatric patients.Brain Dev 2011;33:508-11.

Grade 0 1 2 3
Grade 0 1 2 3
Head control no head control no head control

no head control

can hold head up in line with body when both shoulders are raised 45 degrees can hold head up in line with body when both shoulders are raised 45 degrees

can hold head up in line with body when both shoulders are raised 45 degrees

can hold head up but not for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees can hold head up but not for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees

can hold head up but not for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees

両肩を90度引き起こしても首が10秒すわっている 両肩を90度引き起こしても首が10秒すわっている

can hold head up for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees

Sitting cannot sit up cannot sit up

cannot sit up

can sit up with support to the pelvis can sit up with support to the pelvis

can sit up with support to the pelvis

can sit up for 10 seconds with support by hands can sit up for 10 seconds with support by hands

can sit up for 10 seconds with support by hands

can sit up for 10 seconds without hand support can sit up for 10 seconds without hand support

can sit up for 10 seconds without hand support

on flat surface
no locomotion on flat surface no locomotion on flat surface

no locomotion on flat surface

can roll over from back or stomach position can roll over from back or stomach position

can roll over from back or stomach position

can crawl on stomach or back can crawl on stomach or back

can crawl on stomach or back

can creep on hands and knees can creep on hands and knees

can creep on hands and knees

Standing cannot stand cannot stand

cannot stand

can stand with support to center of body can stand with support to center of body

can stand with support to center of body

can stand for 10 seconds while holding onto something can stand for 10 seconds while holding onto something

can stand for 10 seconds while holding onto something

can stand for 10 seconds with free hands can stand for 10 seconds with free hands

can stand for 10 seconds with free hands

Walking cannot walk cannot walk

cannot walk

can walk 5 steps with support to center of body can walk 5 steps with support to center of body

can walk 5 steps with support to center of body

can walk 5 steps while holding hands or holding onto something can walk 5 steps while holding hands or holding onto something

can walk 5 steps while holding hands or holding onto something

can walk 5 steps with hands free can walk 5 steps with hands free

can walk 5 steps with hands free

ABMS-C (Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children)

Total score
(ABMS-C ---- Total /15)
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ABMS-C TypeT (Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children Type T)

Hashimoto K, Miyamura K, Honda M. Evaluation of Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children Type T (ABMS-CT) in disabled children. Brain Dev 2012;34:349-53.

Grade 0 1 2 3
Grade 0 1 2 3
Oral and
facial area
cannot move lips as instructed cannot move lips as instructed

cannot move lips as instructed

can stick tongue straight out can stick tongue straight out

can stick tongue straight out

can pucker lips can pucker lips

can pucker lips

can puff out right and left cheek alternately can puff out right and left cheek alternately

can puff out right and left cheek alternately

Hands and
cannot move fingers as instructed cannot move fingers as instructed

cannot move fingers as instructed

can hold up one finger can hold up one finger

can hold up one finger

can hold up two fingers can hold up two fingers

can hold up two fingers

can fold one finger at a time can fold one finger at a time

can fold one finger at a time

One leg cannot stand on one leg cannot stand on one leg

cannot stand on one leg

can stand on one leg for under 5 seconds can stand on one leg for under 5 seconds

can stand on one leg for under 5 seconds

can stand on one leg for 5 seconds or more can stand on one leg for 5 seconds or more

can stand on one leg for 5 seconds or more

can hop on one leg can hop on one leg

can hop on one leg

Both legs cannot stand on tiptoe with both feet for over 1 second cannot stand on tiptoe with both feet for over 1 second

cannot stand on tiptoe with both feet for over 1 second

can stand on tiptoe with both feet for over 1 second can stand on tiptoe with both feet for over 1 second

can stand on tiptoe with both feet for over 1 second

can jump forward with two feet together can jump forward with two feet together

can jump forward with two feet together

can skip can skip

can skip

Stairs cannot climb stairs cannot climb stairs

cannot climb stairs

can climb stairs using the handrail with 2 feet per step can climb stairs using the handrail with 2 feet per step

can climb stairs using the handrail with 2 feet per step

can climb stairs using the handrail with one foot per step can climb stairs using the handrail with one foot per step

can climb stairs using the handrail with one foot per step

can climb stairs without using the handrail with one foot per step can climb stairs without using the handrail with one foot per step

can climb stairs without using the handrail with one foot per step

ABMS-C TypeT (Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children Type T)

Total score
(ABMS-CT ---- Total /15)
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ABFS-C (Ability for Basic Feeding and swallowing Scale for Children)

Kamide A, Hashimoto K, Miyamura K, Honda M. Assessment of feeding and swallowing in children: Validity and reliability of the Ability for Basic Feeding and Swallowing Scale for Children (ABFS-C). Brain Dev 2015;37:508-14.

Grade 0 1 2 3
Grade 0 1 2 3
Wakefulness no response to pain stimulus no response to pain stimulus

no response to pain stimulus

wakes up when shaken wakes up when shaken

wakes up when shaken

wakes up when called to wakes up when called to

wakes up when called to

awake awake


Head control no head control no head control

no head control

can hold head up in line with body when both shoulders are raised 45 degrees can hold head up in line with body when both shoulders are raised 45 degrees

can hold head up in line with body when both shoulders are raised 45 degrees

can hold head up but not for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees can hold head up but not for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees

can hold head up but not for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees

can hold head up for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees can hold head up for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees

can hold head up for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees

Hypersensitivity whole body hypersensitive to touch whole body hypersensitive to touch

whole body hypersensitive to touch

does not like objects touching lips or mouth area does not like objects touching lips or mouth area

does not like objects touching lips or mouth area

does not like objects touching inside the mouth does not like objects touching inside the mouth

does not like objects touching inside the mouth

not hypersensitive not hypersensitive

not hypersensitive

Oral motor cannot close lips or move tongue cannot close lips or move tongue

cannot close lips or move tongue

can move lips but cannot move tongue can move lips but cannot move tongue

can move lips but cannot move tongue

can close lips and can move tongue inside the mouth only can close lips and can move tongue inside the mouth only

can close lips and can move tongue inside the mouth only

can close lips and can stick tongue outside the mouth can close lips and can stick tongue outside the mouth

can close lips and can stick tongue outside the mouth

Saliva control constantly drooling constantly drooling

constantly drooling

constant throat gurgling constant throat gurgling

constant throat gurgling

throat gurgling after stimulation inside the mouth throat gurgling after stimulation inside the mouth

throat gurgling after stimulation inside the mouth

no throat gurgling after stimulation inside the mouth no throat gurgling after stimulation inside the mouth

no throat gurgling after stimulation inside the mouth

ABFS-C (Ability for Basic Feeding and swallowing Scale for Children)

Total score
(ABFS-C ---- Total /15)
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ABLS-C (Ability for Basic Language and communication Scale for Children)

Grade 0 1 2 3
Grade 0 1 2 3
Wakefulness No response to pain stimulus No response to pain stimulus

No response to pain stimulus

Wakes up when shaken Wakes up when shaken

Wakes up when shaken

Wakes up when called  to Wakes up when called  to

Wakes up when called to

Awake Awake


Lalognosis No response when spoken to No response when spoken to

No response when spoken to

Turns and looks in the direction when spoken to Turns and looks in the direction when spoken to

Turns and looks in the direction when spoken to

Follows commands when communicated with gestures and pointing Follows commands when communicated with gestures and pointing

Follows commands when communicated with gestures and pointing

Follows verbal commands without gestures or pointing Follows verbal commands without gestures or pointing

Follows verbal commands without gestures or pointing

Speak No speech No speech

No speech

Makes vowel sounds like “ooh” and “ahh” Makes vowel sounds like “ooh” and “ahh”

Makes vowel sounds like “ooh” and “ahh”

Points their finger Points their finger

Points their finger

Utters meaningful words Utters meaningful words

Utters meaningful words

Intelligibility Able to speak, but completely unintelligible Able to speak, but completely unintelligible

Able to speak, but completely unintelligible

Able to speak, and sometimes intelligible Able to speak, and sometimes intelligible

Able to speak, and sometimes intelligible

Sometimes unintelligible Sometimes unintelligible

Sometimes unintelligible

Everything is intelligible Everything is intelligible

Everything is intelligible

Sociality No eye contact No eye contact

No eye contact

Smiles when spoken to Smiles when spoken to

Smiles when spoken to

Waves goodbye Waves goodbye

Waves goodbye

Plays with friends Plays with friends

Plays with friends

ABLS-C (Ability for Basic Language and communication Scale for Children)

Total score
(ABLS-C ---- Total /15)
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ABPS-C Preschool Ver. (Ability for basic physical activity scale for children Preschool Ver.)

Grade 0 1 2 3
Grade 0 1 2 3
Basic movement Bedridden and unable to get up. Bedridden and unable to get up.

Bedridden and unable to get up.

Able to sit up on a bed or a chair without a backrest. Able to sit up on a bed or a chair without a backrest.

Able to sit up on a bed or a chair without a backrest.

Able to get up out of bed or chair without assistance and to remain standing. Able to get up out of bed or chair without assistance and to remain standing.

Able to get up out of bed or chair without assistance and to remain standing.

Able to walk without assistance. (The use of adaptive equipment is allowed.) Able to walk without assistance. (The use of adaptive equipment is allowed.)

Able to walk without assistance. (The use of adaptive equipment is allowed.)

Self-care Requires assistance in eating, dressing, grooming (e.g., cleaning teeth, washing face), toileting, and bathing. Requires assistance in eating, dressing, grooming (e.g., cleaning teeth, washing face), toileting, and bathing.

Requires assistance in eating, dressing, grooming (e.g., cleaning teeth, washing face), toileting, and bathing.

Able to carry out more than 2 self-care activities (e.g., eating, dressing, grooming) without assistance. *These activities may be performed while seated. Able to carry out more than 2 self-care activities (e.g., eating, dressing, grooming) without assistance. *These activities may be performed while seated.

Able to carry out more than 2 self-care activities (e.g., eating, dressing, grooming) without assistance. *These activities may be performed while seated.

Able to go to the bathroom to eliminate in a toilet without assistance. *Getting to the bathroom in a wheelchair is allowed. Able to go to the bathroom to eliminate in a toilet without assistance. *Getting to the bathroom in a wheelchair is allowed.

Able to go to the bathroom to eliminate in a toilet without assistance. *Getting to the bathroom in a wheelchair is allowed.

Able to bath and wash his/her body and hair. *Showering only is acceptable. Able to bath and wash his/her body and hair. *Showering only is acceptable.

Able to bath and wash his/her body and hair. *Showering only is acceptable.

Activity Often found seated or lying. Often found seated or lying.

Often found seated or lying.

Able to engage in play using the body, such as sitting down and standing up. Able to engage in play using the body, such as sitting down and standing up.

Able to engage in play using the body, such as sitting down and standing up.

Able to go out on foot by himself/herself. *Use of a wheelchair is allowed. Able to go out on foot by himself/herself. *Use of a wheelchair is allowed.

Able to go out on foot by himself/herself. *Use of a wheelchair is allowed.

Able to participate in activities of greater than moderate intensity, i.e., going up and down stairs (4-5th floor), swimming, and dancing.    Able to participate in activities of greater than moderate intensity, i.e., going up and down stairs (4-5th floor), swimming, and dancing.   

Able to participate in activities of greater than moderate intensity, i.e., going up and down stairs (4-5th floor), swimming, and dancing.   

Education Spends his/her time at home and does not interact with people other than family members. Spends his/her time at home and does not interact with people other than family members.

Spends his/her time at home and does not interact with people other than family members.

Spends his/her time at home, and receives some support (e.g., home visit nursing, rehabilitation) from people other than family members. Spends his/her time at home, and receives some support (e.g., home visit nursing, rehabilitation) from people other than family members.

Spends his/her time at home, and receives some support (e.g., home visit nursing, rehabilitation) from people other than family members.

Goes to a children’s center or an institution that provides developmental support services. Goes to a children’s center or an institution that provides developmental support services.

Goes to a children’s center or an institution that provides developmental support services.

Goes to a nursery school or kindergarten. Goes to a nursery school or kindergarten.

Goes to a nursery school or kindergarten.

Leisure Activity Leisure activities are limited to indoors. Leisure activities are limited to indoors.

Leisure activities are limited to indoors.

Able to play for 1-2 hours in the neighborhood, i.e., parks, friend’s house. Able to play for 1-2 hours in the neighborhood, i.e., parks, friend’s house.

Able to play for 1-2 hours in the neighborhood, i.e., parks, friend’s house.

Able to go out to a public space such as the department store and events. Able to go out to a public space such as the department store and events.

Able to go out to a public space such as the department store and events.

Able to take a trip to an amusement park or to go to the zoo for a day, or to participate in overnight travel. Able to take a trip to an amusement park or to go to the zoo for a day, or to participate in overnight travel.

Able to take a trip to an amusement park or to go to the zoo for a day, or to participate in overnight travel.

ABPS-C Preschool Ver. (Ability for basic physical activity scale for children Preschool Ver.)

Total score
(ABPS-C ---- Total /15)
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ABPS-C School age Ver. (Ability for basic physical activity scale for children School age Ver.)

Grade 0 1 2 3
Grade 0 1 2 3
Basic movement Bedridden and unable to get up. Bedridden and unable to get up.

Bedridden and unable to get up.

Able to sit up on a bed or a chair without a backrest. Able to sit up on a bed or a chair without a backrest.

Able to sit up on a bed or a chair without a backrest.

Able to get up out of bed or chair without assistance and to remain standing. Able to get up out of bed or chair without assistance and to remain standing.

Able to get up out of bed or chair without assistance and to remain standing.

Able to walk without assistance. (The use of adaptive equipment is allowed.) Able to walk without assistance. (The use of adaptive equipment is allowed.)

Able to walk without assistance. (The use of adaptive equipment is allowed.)

Self-care Requires assistance in eating, dressing, grooming (e.g., cleaning teeth, washing face), toileting, and bathing. Requires assistance in eating, dressing, grooming (e.g., cleaning teeth, washing face), toileting, and bathing.

Requires assistance in eating, dressing, grooming (e.g., cleaning teeth, washing face), toileting, and bathing.

Able to carry out more than 2 self-care activities (e.g., eating, dressing, grooming) without assistance. *These activities may be performed while seated Able to carry out more than 2 self-care activities (e.g., eating, dressing, grooming) without assistance. *These activities may be performed while seated

Able to carry out more than 2 self-care activities (e.g., eating, dressing, grooming) without assistance. *These activities may be performed while seated

Able to go to the bathroom to eliminate in a toilet without assistance. *Getting to the bathroom in a wheelchair is allowed. Able to go to the bathroom to eliminate in a toilet without assistance. *Getting to the bathroom in a wheelchair is allowed.

Able to go to the bathroom to eliminate in a toilet without assistance. *Getting to the bathroom in a wheelchair is allowed.

Able to bath and wash his/her body. *Showering only is acceptable. Able to bath and wash his/her body. *Showering only is acceptable.

Able to bath and wash his/her body. *Showering only is acceptable.

Activity Often found seated or lying, and unable to tidy up a room or help with household chores. Often found seated or lying, and unable to tidy up a room or help with household chores.

Often found seated or lying, and unable to tidy up a room or help with household chores.

Spends most of the time indoors but able tidy up a room or help with household chores. Spends most of the time indoors but able tidy up a room or help with household chores.

Spends most of the time indoors but able tidy up a room or help with household chores.

Able to go out on foot by himself/herself. *Use of a wheelchair is allowed. Able to go out on foot by himself/herself. *Use of a wheelchair is allowed.

Able to go out on foot by himself/herself. *Use of a wheelchair is allowed.

Able to participate in activities of greater than moderate intensity, i.e., going up and down stairs (4-5th floor), cycling, jogging, swimming, baseball, and dancing. Able to participate in activities of greater than moderate intensity, i.e., going up and down stairs (4-5th floor), cycling, jogging, swimming, baseball, and dancing.

Able to participate in activities of greater than moderate intensity, i.e., going up and down stairs (4-5th floor), cycling, jogging, swimming, baseball, and dancing.

Education Unable to participate in classroom activities at school, including self-study at home. Unable to participate in classroom activities at school, including self-study at home.

Unable to participate in classroom activities at school, including self-study at home.

Able to participate in self-study at home or to receive instructions from a visiting teacher. Able to participate in self-study at home or to receive instructions from a visiting teacher.

Able to participate in self-study at home or to receive instructions from a visiting teacher.

Able to participate in classes at school when allowed to stay in the infirmary or on a minimum day schedule. Able to participate in classes at school when allowed to stay in the infirmary or on a minimum day schedule.

Able to participate in classes at school when allowed to stay in the infirmary or on a minimum day schedule.

Able to participate in all classes at school. *Observation of PE classes is allowed. Able to participate in all classes at school. *Observation of PE classes is allowed.

Able to participate in all classes at school. *Observation of PE classes is allowed.

Leisure Activity Leisure activities are limited to indoors. Leisure activities are limited to indoors.

Leisure activities are limited to indoors.

Able to play for 1-2 hours in the neighborhood (i.e., parks, friend’s house) or within the school premises. Able to play for 1-2 hours in the neighborhood (i.e., parks, friend’s house) or within the school premises.

Able to play for 1-2 hours in the neighborhood (i.e., parks, friend’s house) or within the school premises.

Able to go out to shopping, the movies, and events such as festivals for a half day. Able to go out to shopping, the movies, and events such as festivals for a half day.

Able to go out to shopping, the movies, and events such as festivals for a half day.

Able to take a trip to an amusement park or to go hiking for a day, or to participate in overnight travel. Able to take a trip to an amusement park or to go hiking for a day, or to participate in overnight travel.

Able to take a trip to an amusement park or to go hiking for a day, or to participate in overnight travel.

ABPS-C School age Ver. (Ability for basic physical activity scale for children School age Ver.)

Total score
(ABPS-C ---- Total /15)
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