Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children
Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children Type T
Ability for Basic Feeding and swallowing Scale for Children
Ability for Basic Language and communication Scale for Children
ABPS-C Preschool Ver.
Ability for Basic Physical activity Scale for Children Preschool Ver.
ABPS-C School age Ver.
Ability for Basic Physical activity Scale for Children School age Ver.
ABMS-C (Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children)
Miyamura K, Hashimoto K, Honda M. Validity and reliability of Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children (ABMS-C) in disabled pediatric patients.Brain Dev 2011;33:508-11.
Grade | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Grade | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Head control |
no head control |
can hold head up in line with body when both shoulders are raised 45 degrees |
can hold head up but not for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees |
can hold head up for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees |
Sitting |
cannot sit up |
can sit up with support to the pelvis |
can sit up for 10 seconds with support by hands |
can sit up for 10 seconds without hand support |
Locomotion on flat surface |
no locomotion on flat surface |
can roll over from back or stomach position |
can crawl on stomach or back |
can creep on hands and knees |
Standing |
cannot stand |
can stand with support to center of body |
can stand for 10 seconds while holding onto something |
can stand for 10 seconds with free hands |
Walking |
cannot walk |
can walk 5 steps with support to center of body |
can walk 5 steps while holding hands or holding onto something |
can walk 5 steps with hands free |
ABMS-C (Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children)
- Total score
- /15
ABMS-C TypeT (Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children Type T)
Hashimoto K, Miyamura K, Honda M. Evaluation of Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children Type T (ABMS-CT) in disabled children. Brain Dev 2012;34:349-53.
Grade | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Grade | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Oral and facial area |
cannot move lips as instructed |
can stick tongue straight out |
can pucker lips |
can puff out right and left cheek alternately |
Hands and fingers |
cannot move fingers as instructed |
can hold up one finger |
can hold up two fingers |
can fold one finger at a time |
One leg |
cannot stand on one leg |
can stand on one leg for under 5 seconds |
can stand on one leg for 5 seconds or more |
can hop on one leg |
Both legs |
cannot stand on tiptoe with both feet for over 1 second |
can stand on tiptoe with both feet for over 1 second |
can jump forward with two feet together |
can skip |
Stairs |
cannot climb stairs |
can climb stairs using the handrail with 2 feet per step |
can climb stairs using the handrail with one foot per step |
can climb stairs without using the handrail with one foot per step |
ABMS-C TypeT (Ability for Basic Movement Scale for Children Type T)
- Total score
- /15
ABFS-C (Ability for Basic Feeding and swallowing Scale for Children)
Kamide A, Hashimoto K, Miyamura K, Honda M. Assessment of feeding and swallowing in children: Validity and reliability of the Ability for Basic Feeding and Swallowing Scale for Children (ABFS-C). Brain Dev 2015;37:508-14.
Grade | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Grade | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Wakefulness |
no response to pain stimulus |
wakes up when shaken |
wakes up when called to |
awake |
Head control |
no head control |
can hold head up in line with body when both shoulders are raised 45 degrees |
can hold head up but not for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees |
can hold head up for 10 sec when both shoulders are raised 90 degrees |
Hypersensitivity |
whole body hypersensitive to touch |
does not like objects touching lips or mouth area |
does not like objects touching inside the mouth |
not hypersensitive |
Oral motor |
cannot close lips or move tongue |
can move lips but cannot move tongue |
can close lips and can move tongue inside the mouth only |
can close lips and can stick tongue outside the mouth |
Saliva control |
constantly drooling |
constant throat gurgling |
throat gurgling after stimulation inside the mouth |
no throat gurgling after stimulation inside the mouth |
ABFS-C (Ability for Basic Feeding and swallowing Scale for Children)
- Total score
- /15
ABLS-C (Ability for Basic Language and communication Scale for Children)
Grade | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Grade | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Wakefulness |
No response to pain stimulus |
Wakes up when shaken |
Wakes up when called to |
Awake |
Lalognosis |
No response when spoken to |
Turns and looks in the direction when spoken to |
Follows commands when communicated with gestures and pointing |
Follows verbal commands without gestures or pointing |
Speak |
No speech |
Makes vowel sounds like “ooh” and “ahh” |
Points their finger |
Utters meaningful words |
Intelligibility |
Able to speak, but completely unintelligible |
Able to speak, and sometimes intelligible |
Sometimes unintelligible |
Everything is intelligible |
Sociality |
No eye contact |
Smiles when spoken to |
Waves goodbye |
Plays with friends |
ABLS-C (Ability for Basic Language and communication Scale for Children)
- Total score
- /15
ABPS-C Preschool Ver. (Ability for basic physical activity scale for children Preschool Ver.)
Grade | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Grade | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Basic movement |
Bedridden and unable to get up. |
Able to sit up on a bed or a chair without a backrest. |
Able to get up out of bed or chair without assistance and to remain standing. |
Able to walk without assistance. (The use of adaptive equipment is allowed.) |
Self-care |
Requires assistance in eating, dressing, grooming (e.g., cleaning teeth, washing face), toileting, and bathing. |
Able to carry out more than 2 self-care activities (e.g., eating, dressing, grooming) without assistance. *These activities may be performed while seated. |
Able to go to the bathroom to eliminate in a toilet without assistance. *Getting to the bathroom in a wheelchair is allowed. |
Able to bath and wash his/her body and hair. *Showering only is acceptable. |
Activity |
Often found seated or lying. |
Able to engage in play using the body, such as sitting down and standing up. |
Able to go out on foot by himself/herself. *Use of a wheelchair is allowed. |
Able to participate in activities of greater than moderate intensity, i.e., going up and down stairs (4-5th floor), swimming, and dancing. |
Education |
Spends his/her time at home and does not interact with people other than family members. |
Spends his/her time at home, and receives some support (e.g., home visit nursing, rehabilitation) from people other than family members. |
Goes to a children’s center or an institution that provides developmental support services. |
Goes to a nursery school or kindergarten. |
Leisure Activity |
Leisure activities are limited to indoors. |
Able to play for 1-2 hours in the neighborhood, i.e., parks, friend’s house. |
Able to go out to a public space such as the department store and events. |
Able to take a trip to an amusement park or to go to the zoo for a day, or to participate in overnight travel. |
ABPS-C Preschool Ver. (Ability for basic physical activity scale for children Preschool Ver.)
- Total score
- /15
ABPS-C School age Ver. (Ability for basic physical activity scale for children School age Ver.)
Grade | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Grade | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Basic movement |
Bedridden and unable to get up. |
Able to sit up on a bed or a chair without a backrest. |
Able to get up out of bed or chair without assistance and to remain standing. |
Able to walk without assistance. (The use of adaptive equipment is allowed.) |
Self-care |
Requires assistance in eating, dressing, grooming (e.g., cleaning teeth, washing face), toileting, and bathing. |
Able to carry out more than 2 self-care activities (e.g., eating, dressing, grooming) without assistance. *These activities may be performed while seated |
Able to go to the bathroom to eliminate in a toilet without assistance. *Getting to the bathroom in a wheelchair is allowed. |
Able to bath and wash his/her body. *Showering only is acceptable. |
Activity |
Often found seated or lying, and unable to tidy up a room or help with household chores. |
Spends most of the time indoors but able tidy up a room or help with household chores. |
Able to go out on foot by himself/herself. *Use of a wheelchair is allowed. |
Able to participate in activities of greater than moderate intensity, i.e., going up and down stairs (4-5th floor), cycling, jogging, swimming, baseball, and dancing. |
Education |
Unable to participate in classroom activities at school, including self-study at home. |
Able to participate in self-study at home or to receive instructions from a visiting teacher. |
Able to participate in classes at school when allowed to stay in the infirmary or on a minimum day schedule. |
Able to participate in all classes at school. *Observation of PE classes is allowed. |
Leisure Activity |
Leisure activities are limited to indoors. |
Able to play for 1-2 hours in the neighborhood (i.e., parks, friend’s house) or within the school premises. |
Able to go out to shopping, the movies, and events such as festivals for a half day. |
Able to take a trip to an amusement park or to go hiking for a day, or to participate in overnight travel. |
ABPS-C School age Ver. (Ability for basic physical activity scale for children School age Ver.)
- Total score
- /15